dinsdag 20 maart 2012

And there it is..

Finally Netherland is ready for it, and it cames out today! I'm talking about Vogue Nederland. Covermodel Josefien Rodermans has made some pictures at the exclusively Voguebreakfast. She is on the cover with Romee Strijd and Ymre Stiekeme. Very dutch names as you cold see. And I'm proud of it! Wanna see the special breakfast?

Josefien Rodermans with her cover!
There they come
The Voguebreakfast
As you could see, a lot of press
And there it is, the first Dutch Vogue!
Photos: Fashionmilk

1 opmerking:

Jessy van der Vlist zei

@Lorenzo Botto

Thank you so much! Your blog is really nice too!